DC Servo Motor Trainer WST-9 is designed to do experiments for speed operation, position control using DC servo motor.

WST-9 Introduction
- It is allowed user to do experiments for speed operation, position control by PID control.
- Students can easily understand the basic principle and characteristics of DC servo motor. Students can do experiments for PID control, analog control and digital control using a computer.
- It designed to get the curved line processed on CRT and students are able to save and print the file.
- Angular control system is used for position control and brake system is equipped for constant-speed experiment.
Experimental List
Basic Operations Practice of Servo-Motor
- Basic Operations Practice of Servo-Motor
- Brake Practice of Servo-Motor
- Frequency Response Practice of Servo-Motor
What is PID Control ?
- What is PID?
- Speed Practice of Servo-Motor with PID
- Brake Practice in Speed Practice with PID
- Summing AMP Response Practice with PID
Position Control Practice
- Position Control Practice
- Position Control Practice by Computer Interface
Power : 1Φ AC
DC Power : ± 15V DC
Computer Interface : RS - 232
Meter : Speed, Ampere, Voltage each 1EA
Speed and Position Indicating : 2×16 LCD
Brake : Eddy Current Type
Control Mode :
- Speed Detector
- Summing Amp Block
- P. I. D. Controller Block
- Motor Drive Amp Block
- Brake Amp Block
- A/D & D/A Converter Block
- Computer Interface Block
- Square Wave Generator Block
- Position Indicating and Monitor Block
- Counter Output Block(8 Bit Binary)
- Potentiometer Block
- Reset Switch
Machine Device :
- DC Servo Motor
- Balancing Position Control System
- Brake
Style : Portable Type
Dimension : 650(W)×300(D)×520(H)mm
- Experimental Manual : 1copy
- Connecting Cord : 1unit
- Software(ST MERCURY T09 V3.0) : 1copy
- Interface Cable : 1unit
- Power Cable : 1EA
- 서보모터 기본 구동 실습 / 서보모터 Summing AMP, Function Generator 응답 실습
- 서보모터 토크 부하 실습 / 서보모터 P I D 제어 실습 및 응용 실습
- 서보모터 PC 기반 제어 실습 등 12JOB 이상
WST-9 소개
컴퓨터를 이용한 PID 제어, Analog 제어, 디지털 제어 실험이 가능하고 CRT상의 실험 응답곡선을 파일 저장 및 프린트할 수 있다.