Woosun Control has developed the technology of education devices related to such as electricity, electronics, automatic control instrumentation, mechatronics, etc., and it is also trying to provide a real equipment that can be understood easily and quickly in your educational field.
Intelligent Sensor 실험장치 WS-S300
Modified: Jan. 2, 2018
태양광발전 모형학습 장치 WS-SC03P
Modified: April 1, 2017
Wind Power Generation Simulator
Modified: April 1, 2017
풍력발전기 구조실험장치 WS-WFG1
Modified: April 1, 2017
풍력발전기 실험장치(모듈형) WS-WFG2
Modified: April 1, 2017
기초에너지 변환조립 실습장치 WS-SGIP10
Modified: April 1, 2017
Solar Power Generation System (Module Type) WS-SGIC
Modified: April 1, 2017
Solar Power Generation System (Module Type) WS-SGIC is designed to study construction and principle of ...
풍력 응용 실험장치 WS-WPC-1K
Modified: April 1, 2017
풍력&태양광 하이브리드 발전시스템 WS-SCS-1K
Modified: April 1, 2017
스마트그리드 센서 실험장치 WS-GR-SG1
Modified: April 1, 2017
스마트그리드 네트워크 실험장치 WS-SGN10
Modified: April 1, 2017